Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Roman Post 4

Julius Ceasar
     He conquered Gaul in a campaign which is still used for training generals today. His victories in Gaul brought important new territories to the empire. The conquest of Gaul brought the border of the empire to the river Rhine. He led expeditions into Germany and Britain, which the Romans didnt know about around that time. Caesar crossed the river Rubicon, which was the border between the province he ruled and the Italian territories of the Roman empire and took power over Rome as a dictator.
      Julius Caesar also reformed the calendar.With only minor changes his is the calendar we use today. He was honored by naming the month July after him. He was a great and successful leader in Rome and still is known and honored today. Many schools read his piece by shakesphere because his honorable ways and great victories bringing more territory for Rome.

Roman Post 3

Ancient Rome
  • Status mattered
  • In the eyes of Roman law, people were not equal
  • Legal status helped to define power, influence, criminal punishments, marriage partners, even dress and where you sat in the amphitheatre
  • Only citizens could hold positions in the administration of Rome and the other towns and cities of the empire, only citizens could serve in the legions, and only citizens enjoyed certain legal privileges
  • In an age before mass personal documentation, there were few ways to prove who and what you were
  • Rome and the empire needed new blood, legal status could change; non-citizens could become citizens; a slave could become a free man. This was upward mobility and could bring real advantages
My Life
  • America politics either democratic vs republican nomore social classes status
  • Diverse population different types of races it was legal, unlike Roman they had to wait if legal status changed
  • Wealth some are still rich then others, many un-employed but can collect if laid off still getting an income
  • No slaves
  • Laws "innocent until proven gulty"
  • Citizens of course hane more benefits then those who arent because they will have to go through a procedure
  • like an Emporor and his cliq America has the President, Congress, and other people to figure out legal things
  • only if your born in own country can get a good high position like the Emperor

Monday, May 16, 2011

Roman Post 2

We should use these following sources
1. http://www.historyforkids.org/learn/romans/index.htm
2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/romans/
3. http://www.roman-empire.net/children/famous.html
The two first websites are good resources because it gives an overwies of Ancient Rome. Gives fact about Rome and its Emoire and what was life like living in Rome. Also the first website breaks the Roman life and society to pieces such as the beliefs and food and so on. The last website gives info about the famous and most imporatnt men that helped build up Rome.

Roman Post 1

Section 1.
1. Censors became very powerful magistrates in the Roman Republic.
2. Praetors were elected to help the consuls and formed much of the civil law in Rome.
3. The Forum's ruins stand as monuments to the grand style of Roman architecture.
4. In 509 B.C. the Romans vowed never again to be ruled by a monarch and established a democracy.
5. A dictator could be appointed by the Senate and could rule for up to six months.
Section 2.
1. Rome feared that if Carthage controlled the Mediterranean, Rome would not be able to expand overseas.
2. The name of these wars comes from the Latin adjective for Phoenician, which is punicus.
3. Macedonia came under Roman "protection" in 197 B.C.
4. The gap between rich and poor continued to grow as the Roman empire expanded.
5. After losing the First Punic War, Carthage was forced to give up Sicily and pay large sums of money to Rome.

Section 3.
1. Marc Antony helped Caesar's grandnephew, Octavian, inherit Rome and ruled with him in the Second Triumvirate.
2. Some senators, including two of Caesar's friends, formed a conspiracy and killed Caesar in the Senate on the Ides of March.
3. Sulla tried to restore power to the Senate; however, more and more often an army commander with loyal troops could force the Senate to do his bidding.
4. The Senate gave Octavian the title Augustus, or "the revered one," and he has been known as Caesar Augustus ever since.
5. Caesar, Licinius Crassus, and Gnaeus Pompey formed a political alliance called the First Triumvirate in 60 B.C.

Section 4.
1. As a result of Pax Romana of this extended peace, the Romans made great cultural advances.
2. The government passed new laws as needed and judges reinterpreted old laws to fit new circumstances.
3. Over time, Roman religious beliefs were increasingly influenced by Greek thought.
4. Gladiators were trained fighters and their fights most often ended in death.
5. The Ptolemaic system(astronomy and geography) was accepted for almost 1,500 years.

Section 5.
1. Rabbis were Jewish scholars who interpreted scriptures and were learned in Jewish laws, and became the leaders of Jewish congregations.
2. The emperor Hadrian banned all Jews from Jerusalem, which resulted in Jewish communities outside of Jerusalem.
3. Many Christians became martyrs - people put to death for their beliefs.
4. Constantine promoted Christianity throughout the empire and was baptized on his deathbed.
5. Better church organization and the Declaration of Constantine also helped establish Christianity and stabilize the church.

Section 6.
1. Inflation rose when the emperors responded to the shortage of silver by decreasing the amount of silver in each coin in order to mint more coins.
2. The Goths, Vandals, and Franks lived north of the Rhine and Danube Rivers.
3. Attila the Hun was a fierce leader who attacked Gaul in A.D 451.
4. The decline of manufacturing and loss of war loot in the late Empire contributed to the fall of the empire.
5. Romans of the later empire lost their patriotism and took little interest in the government.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Greek Blog #5

The Olympics, Literature, Philosophy, Architecture, and History.

Greece contributed to the following, olympics is still occuring many sports were from greece now the olympics are a great deal in America many become billionares winning many medals. The literature such as plays about the gods and etc are still also taking place. Philosophy was basically invented by the Greeks. The architecture in Greece was many nive and well built temples, developed more stragedies and blueprints in order to finish the great temples and now many use those stragedies. Lastly, the history of the Greeks from the gods/godesses to the Greek warriors and the huge temples.

Greek Blog #4

The Parthenon was a temple of Athena, built in the 5th century BC on the Acropolis of Athens. Temple with Ionic architectural features, it is the most famous surviving building of ancient Greece, and has been praised as the finest achievement of Greek architecture and one of the world's greatest cultural monuments.The back room of the cella were stored the monetary contributions of the Delian Alliance of which Athens was the leading member. Many honor gods and godesses here. This was a imporatant temple that is part of the Greeks achievement so it will be a great cover to have.

Greek Blog #3

Chart for status and power of the Gods.

ancient greek god
Other source is the picture above beacuse Ancient Greeks believed that their Gods had enormous powers, and that they were able to control nature in all its forms.The most known example is Pythia in Delphi, at the Sanctuary of God Apollo.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Greek Blog #2

The Athens and Sparta shared many things such as the issue of slavery, women's rights, and their custom of citizenship. Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people. Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually. As an Athenian, you could get a good education and could pursue any of several kinds of arts or sciences. You could serve in the army or navy, but you didn't have to. On the other hand the Spartan life was simple and focused only on obedience and war. Slavery made this possible by freeing the young men from household and industrial duties and allowing them to focus on their military duties.

I would like to live in the Athens because their life wasnt focused on just military. The Athens were more complex and more freedon with the choices you make in life whether joining the military or not. The Sparta was all about the military and war, the young boys would be trained as soon as their mother deliver, mothers had to exercise to make the young boy healthy. Military life is not my idea for my life therefore the Athens definantly beat the Sparta, i can get way more education than just learning how to kill.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Greek Blog #1

1.In 1900, archaeologists found evidence of the minoan civilization, the earliest Greek civilization.
2. Minoan artists carved beautiful figures from bronze, gold, ivory, and silver, and painted frescoes paintings made on wet plaster, on palace walls.
3.Some historians believe that the Minoan civilization weakened when many coastal settlements on Crete were destroyed by tidal waves.
4.The Minoan system of writing adopted by the Mycenaeans was called Linear B.
5.The center of Greek identity was represented by the Polis which is the Greek word for city-state.
6.Each city-state had an agora or maketplace, which served as the main public meeting space.
7.The Greeks placed much importance on the political independence of each different polis, and each city-state formed its own kind of goverment and laws.
8.Greeks would often travel to oracles to ask questions about the future.
9.Athens developed a form of democracy when the idea of popular government, or the idea that people can and should rule themselves, began to take root.
10. homer blind poet who gathered oral poetry into twoo great poems.
11. The Olympics were probably held for the first time in 776 B.C. to honor the god Zeus.
12.Heavy infantry who carried long spears are hoplites.
13."Rule by the Best." is aristocracy
14. iliad id the legend of Trojan War.
15.Helots made up the third and lowest group in Spartan society.
16.Sparta's goal was to make every adult male citizen part of the military machine.
17.meltics were born outside Athens but were free and paid taxes.
18.The tyrant Peisistratus improved Athen's economy and divided nobles' estates among poor farmers.
19.Trade was the mainstay of Athen's economy.
20.The greatest Greek statesman is Pericles.
21.Persian who defeated Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae is xerxes
22.delian League An alliance of Greek city-states.
23.Balltle of Marathon was the outnumbered Athenians defeated the Persian invasion of Greece.
24.Darius Persian leader who wanted to punish Athens for aiding rebels.
25.War between Sparta and Athens was known as the Peloponnesian War.

Post 12

My opinion on Capzles is its difficult to start off using it and it takes time to learn how to use it. takes more time to learn how to use then to put the information of my topic in it. I dont think students should use this first choice for a project.
Sources: are on a gadget on my page.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Post 11

The question I would be focusing on with my research is

What kind of culinary techniques and tools did the Egyptians have to make their food/diet?

I am doing this topic because I am very interested in culinary arts and i would like to know how they stuck to their diet like did they have limited goods to eat from and what was the diet. Also what spices and tools did they use to make their diet.With this research i think i would also learn how did they get more goods to add on their diet like trading. Therefore my overall project would be presented by a powerpoint focusing on the techniques and tools Egypt used to make the food that was important to make their diet in line.

Post 10

Cyrus the Great
He was the most influental leader in my opinion beacuse he has had many accomplishments. He was in the Bible as the liberator of the Jews held captive in Babylon. His legacy is the founding not only of an empire but of a culture and civilization that continued to expand after his death and lasted for two centuries. He was a strong influence on the Greeks. He declared the first charter of human rights, He invented the first postal system and His name is mentioned 22 times in the old testament which means he was a great and well recognized leader.

Post 9

The Hebrew fathers
Abraham a sheppard, God led him to a promise land
Moses went on a major event named Exodus celebrationg passover
Ten commandements
Promise land kingdom oF Isreal
Teachings of Judiasim
Monotheisim(believing in one god)
 Sacred text in the Torah (Hebrew Bible)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Post 8

Awarding for Most Important Empire

                            The Hittites

  • Success came largely through their use of the horse-drawn war chariot.
  • Expanded empire beyond Asia Minor.
  • First people to master ironworking techniques.(for tools and weapons)
  • Developed their own law code similar to Hummurabi.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Post 7

1. Teachers should treat each child with dignity and respect if not they will get fired.
2. Fighting without blood shed in school suspension for 2 days.
3. Threatning a staff get a police report and a suspension.
4.Bullying conference with the kids.
5. Sexual assault with another student police report and expelled.
6. Sexual assualt with a teacher fired with police report and teacher cant work at any school or with children again. 
7. If theft own up to it or will get beaten.
8. Damaging of a teachers belonging things will get damage and you will get a police report.
9. If threat bombing or burning school, burn something valuable to yours.
10.If you kill or attempt to kill a student, a animal, or teacher in or around school property you will be killed yourself.
11. If you dont show up to school horrible attendence you will not be able come in without a note or a good explanation if lies sent back home.
12. If you trick poison someone in school you will be poison & expelled.

Post 6.

1. If a judge try a case, reach a decision, and present his judgment in writing; if later error shall appear in his decision, and it be through his own fault, then he shall pay twelve times the fine set by him in the case, and he shall be publicly removed from the judge's bench, and never again shall he sit there to render judgement.
Because if he made this mistake once he will do it again. with an important job like that you should have correct infromation.
2. If the witnesses be not at hand, then shall the judge set a limit, at the expiration of six months. If his witnesses have not appeared within the six months, he is an evil-doer, and shall bear the fine of the pending case.
If he had a witness to help him truly he would have no problem with bringing one in therefore there can be excuses or lieng going on. keep it fair.
3. If his son is still young, and can not take possession, a third of the field and garden shall be given to his mother, and she shall bring him up.
Because the mother also made him so she should get something important for trying to bring him up.
4.If the cultivator do not plant corn or sesame in the field, the debtor's contract is not weakened.
They should plant watever they want and still get profit.
5.If any one give another silver, gold, or anything else to keep, he shall show everything to some witness, draw up a contract, and then hand it over for safe keeping.
It's responsible and accurate.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Post 5

The Fertile Crescent had advantages also such as the soil was great for the farmers to harvest, plant seeds, and kept gardened. Also had  a great advantae to tranport because it united other counties with goods. The Natural vegetation and wildlife kept people well fed. Provided fresh drinking water and a place to bathe. Lastly the greatness of irragation.

Post 4

Alwand River
  • land cultivation
  • irragation
  • fishing
  • transporation
Little Zab River is the better river because it offers more advantages and good resources such as,
  • irragation
  • generating hydroelectricity
  • transportaion
  • in spring and low water in summer and early fall

Post 3.

1. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/timeline/time0002.htm
2. http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/middle_east/

The second link is betetr than the first to be in the book because it gives a description on the empires. It also talks about the creations they've found in the different empires and what benefits helped them with that. Lastly is the most current timeline with a lot of information.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Post 2. 15 Important Facts.

1.The Sumerians may have invented the arch a curved structure over an opening.
2.Like other early civilizations, the Sumerians developed a calendar based on the moon.
3.Ur, Erech, and Kish were major Sumerian city-states and each had thousands of residents.
4.Upper-class Sumerian boys who showed intelligence and skill in school were trained to be scibes.
5.Sumerian farmers grew enough food to allow many people to work as artisans and traders.
6.Assyrians The first to use cavalry—soldiers on horseback.
7.Hittites One of the first people to smelt iron.
8.Zoroaster Persian prophet and teacher who developed an influential religious philosophy.
9.Epic of Gilgamesh Reflects Sumerians beliefs about life and death.
10.Cyrus the Great Persian king who captured Babylon and took over the rest of the Fertile Crescent.
11.Phoenician consisted of a loose confederation of city-states, each governed by a different king.
12.Phoenicians made the alphabet and moved it around the country.
13.Phoenician colonies were established throughout the Mediterranean region; for example, the North African city of carthage became a major regional power.
14.The exchange of one good or service for another good or service is called barter.
15.Lydian traders developed a money economy, which used money as a measure of value and as a unit of account.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Hey im intrested in culinary arts and baking and pastry arts. i like to go out and enjoy life with family, friends, and my boyfriend.
Hobbies are playing online games, going to the gym and go shopping.
Qualities that make me unique in my eyes are im very caring. im very blunt i speak my mind to anyone and everyone. I can also write poems expressing my life experinces growing up that can touch some people in some way.
I honestly took western civilation because i had to couldn't have two studyhalls. Now that im taking it though I can say im looking foward on what this class has to offer.
Ancient civilization is very interesting to mes because you get to learn about times when we werent even alive and see when and where we get things that we use now a days.
I look foward to find out many things in this class such as a education of ancient civilization, a better understanding about more history and important interesting facts that people dont know about.